I am committed to complying with the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and to the responsible and secure use of your personal data.

Information about you

I collect personal information from you when you enquire about the service in order to set up an initial appointment. This information includes your contact details and your availability. At our initial appointment, if we decide to carry on with therapy, I will collect additional information such as your GP details.

When you request therapy, and I agree to provide that, this constitutes a contract. As part of the contract, you give your consent for me to collect and use your information for the provision of therapy. You can, of course, refuse to give consent prior to the start of the contract or you can withdraw consent at any point during the provision of the service. However, if you were to do that I would no longer be able to provide you with the service. 

Why I collect your information and how I use it

I have a legitimate interest in collecting your personal information, because without it I couldn’t do my job effectively and safely. 

Your personal information will be used only to provide you with the service and to give you information relating to the service. I will not share your personal details with any other person or organisation without your knowledge and permission, unless there is a legal requirement, if there is a child or adult safeguarding issue, or a perceived risk of harm.

How your data is stored

Client notes are held in electronic copy only and are password protected. They are identified by code and kept separate from contact details. Your contact details are stored electronically on a separate password protected spreadsheet. Your phone number is also stored on my password-protected practice mobile phone.

Your contact details will be deleted as soon as you stop using my service. It is a legal requirement that I retain your records for seven years after your most recent appointment; after this period you can ask me to delete your records if you wish.

Your rights

You have the right to see what personal data of yours I hold, and you can also ask me to correct any factual errors. You can email me about that at info@martamelitherapy.com.

Provided the period of seven years has elapsed you can also ask me to erase your records. Again, you can email me about that at info@martamelitherapy.com.

I want you to be absolutely confident that I am treating your personal data responsibly, and that I am doing everything I can to make sure that the only people who can access that data have a genuine need to do so.
If you have concerns about how I handle your personal data in some way, you can raise them by writing to me as the Data Controller at info@martamelitherapy.com, as detailed on the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) website.
If you are dissatisfied with my response you can contact the ICO as detailed on the website.